I remember how excited I was when I learned to read and write. A whole new, exciting world opened up before my eyes! I had been drawing and painting since the toddler age, now I got a whole new channel for expressing myself.
I was a curious country girl who loved animals. My notebooks were soon filled with my fictional animal stories and illustrations. I drew even to my test papers, illustrating the mating dance of the cranes, or wrote stories about why a fox´s tail tip was white. I wrote poems, even entire dramas, which were then presented at the school´s Christmas party.
I also remember how (at the mature age of 8) I modeled an evening gown for my Barbie, using my mother´s odd-come-short fabrics. The gown was incredibly beautiful. I drew it to an old envelope´s cover, so I could remember it later. At that particular moment I decided to become a fashion designer. I figured I could then draw all day long! The decision was fulfilled, as I graduated from Kuopio Design Academy many years later.
But I became a lot more. While I was working on the commercial sector, and being very good at it, I could not wipe away my urge to express myself. Words and images remained with me, they had became dear friends of mine. So, I returned to school and studied creative writing, photography, visual communication and service design. I became a Master of Arts & Culture.
And still I’m drawing, photographing and writing. Animal stories have been replaced by corporate stories, animal images by human portraits, and illustrations have turned to logos, posters or book covers.
While a lot has changed, then again, nothing has changed. My strengths have just grew stronger, and they have conquered new paths and found some new forms.
And yes, I still am a curious country girl who loves animals, even though I live in the center of Turku city..
I´m always happy to help if an artist with a big passion for art is needed. So, if photographs, illustrations (or maybe a portrait of your dog?) is needed, do not hesitate to contact by email virve(at) or by the contact form.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a lovely day! 🙂
- Finnish Photo Awards, Honorable mention in reportage-category 2024
- Finnish Photo Awards -finalist 2024
- Member of national team Finland in World Photographic Cup 2023
- Finnish Photo Awards -finalist 2023
- Notice a Professional -Photography contest, 2nd prize 2022
- Finnish Photo Awards 2022 bronze in reportage-category 2022
- Finnish Photo Awards -finalist 2022
- Grant, Arts Promotion Centre Finland 2022
- Grant, Arts Promotion Centre Finland 2020
- Grant, Arts Promotion Centre Finland 2020
- Finnish Photo Awards -finalist 2019
- Lähiöbiisi -Song Lyric Writing Contest, 2nd prize 2017
- Mökillä -Writing Contest, 4rd prize 2017
- Suurkuvakilpailu- Photography Contest, 4rd prize 2017
- Photographer of the Year 2016 -Contest, 4rd prize 2017
- Vuoden Ilmailukuva 2016- Photography Contest, 5rd prize 2017
- Suomen talvi -Photography Contest, 3rd prize 2016
- Vino katse -Photography Contest, 3rd prize 2015
- Blogging contest, winner 2015
- “Rajalla” -Photography Contest, honorable mention 2015
- OP-Pohjola “Rahastokuvakilpailu”, Photography Contest, winner of category “Africa”, 2014
- Creative Photographers Of the Year 2014 -book, photo published
- Kolor Panobook 2014 -book, one of my panoramas published as one of the years best panoramas
- Kamera-magazine “Suurkilpailu”, Photography Contest 2nd prize, 2014
- Creative Photographers Of the Year 2013 -book, 2 photos published
- Soundi-magazine, Illustration Contest, winner 2012
- Emilia Lotus Design -Design Contest, finalist 2012
- Epson, “Be The Manchester United Photographer” -Photography Contest, honorable mention 2011
- MTV3, “Song for a Child” -Song Lyric Contest, among 3 of the bests
- Kamera-magazine, “Camera in Greece” -Photography Contest, 3rd prize 2010
- Radio NRJ, “Teepparitähti” -Design Contest, winner 2010
- Liikenneturva “Reflectors For Men” -Design Contest 2. prize 2010
- Carpetvista´s International Design Contest, finalist 2010
- Instant Tattoo, tattoo Design Contest, winner 2009
- Baltic Jazz, Poster Desing Contest, prize winning finalist 2009
- Joutsenmerkki, Bag Design Contest, honorable mention with a prize 2009
- Mazda, Poster Desing Contest, honorable mention with a prize 2009
- Art-grant from TOP-foundation 2008
- “Runosuu”, Poetry recitation Contest, prize winning finalist 2008
- Fotomaraton, Photography Contest, winner 2008
- “Kaunein Arkimatka”, Writing Contest, winner 2007
- Radio NRJ, Mobile postcard Desing Contest, winner 2007
- Paper Cocktail -Design Contest, finalist 2007
- Dunderdon, T-shirt Design Contest, finalist 2006
- Pelloilla ja poluilla -photography exhibition, Maatalaousmuseo Sarka, 2024
- Finnish Photo Awards -photography exhibition, Messukeskus Helsinki, 2022
- Eläimellistä menoa -art exhibition, Lundo, 2022
- Haavekuvia-photography exhibition, Turku, 2022
- Readymade Tampere -photography exhibition, Nykyaika gallery, 2022
- Women Rock –photography exhibition, Hybrid Art Space Budapest, 2021
- Luonnon Voima -photography exhibition, Messukeskus Helsinki, 2020
- The Changing Countryside, photography exhibition, Pohjanmaan valokuvakeskus POVA, 2019
- Platforms Project -art fair, Athens 2018
- Media art for children -video screening, Art museum Veturitalli, Salo 2017
- Rajalla-photography exhibition, Seinäjoki 2015
- COW International Design Festival, illustrations, 2010, Ukraine
- Calori Colori, Bossa, paintings, Turku 2009
- Aura Street Market, paintings, photographs and jewelry (made of recycled materials), Turku 2009
- Pro Formo -solo exhibition, International Bookshop Arkadia, photographs, Helsinki 2008
- Runosuu/Joensuun kirjallisuustapahtuma, performance combining poetry & photographs, Joensuu 2008
- Kuumaa kylmää -solo exhibition, Galleria Arsnet, paintings, Turku 2008
- Christmas Exhibition, Galleria Galilei, paintings, Turku 2008